- Largest USDA certified organic dairy brand shares results from life cycle assessment and initial actions to reduce emissions across its supply chain

As a step towards Horizon Organic's carbon positive by 2025 goal, Horizon has published an executive summary of its life cycle assessment (LCA) on Horizon Organic whole milk half gallons, providing a look at the brand's carbon footprint and the next steps that Horizon will take to reduce emissions. Horizon is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality, and then go beyond by removing or preventing additional carbon from entering the atmosphere, becoming carbon positive.
2025년 탄소 양성 목표를 향한 단계로서 Horizon은 Horizon Organic 전유 1/2 갤런에 대한 수명주기 평가(LCA)의 요약을 발표했다. Horizon은 탄소 중립성을 달성한 다음 추가 탄소를 제거하거나 대기로 유입되는 것을 방지하여 탄소 양성이 되는 것을 목표로 한다.
"Time is not on our side when it comes to climate change, and it's the responsibility of businesses to act with urgency and transparency," said Deanna Bratter, Head of Sustainable Development at Danone North America. "Releasing Horizon Organic's carbon footprint is only the first step in this journey. We're now focusing on partnerships and investing in our family farmers to implement carbon reduction projects to meet our ambitious carbon positive by 2025 goal."
One year ago, Horizon Organic, the largest USDA certified organic dairy brand in the world, announced its goal to become the first national dairy brand to be carbon positive across its full supply chain. When Horizon made this commitment, the brand also promised to be open and transparent throughout its journey to becoming carbon positive. By releasing its whole milk half gallon carbon footprint, Horizon hopes to help customers better understand dairy's impact on the environment and what is being done to reduce emissions across its supply chain.
1년 전, 세계에서 가장 큰 USDA 인증 유기농 유제품 브랜드 Horizon Organic은 전체 공급망에서 탄소 포지티브가 되는 최초의 전국 유제품 브랜드가 되겠다는 목표를 발표했다.
The results of the life cycle assessment (LCA) on Horizon's whole milk half gallon confirmed that:
- Two-thirds of Horizon Organic's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from on-farm activities such as soil management, enteric fermentation, manure management and milking.
- The remaining one-third of emissions come from off-farm activities such as manufacturing, transportation, final product, packaging, and end-of-life.
To see the full breakdown of Horizon Organic's carbon footprint, please visit: https://horizon.com/carbon-positive/life-cycle-assessment/
As the brand embarks on the next part of its carbon positive journey, Horizon Organic is taking the following steps to reduce its carbon footprint from farm to fridge:
Enhancing Soil Health: Horizon Organic farmers are already enrolled in the Danone North America Soil Health Initiative, which represents 28,000 acres or 26.4 million gallons of organic milk and additional farmers will be enrolling soon. The Danone North American Soil Health Initiative works with farmers to institute soil health programs that reduce and store carbon, in partnership with Sustainable Environmental Consultants and their EcoPractices platform.

Enriching Animals: As part of its animal welfare program, Horizon Organic prioritizes cows' welfare and health throughout their life. The brand prides itself on continuous improvement, which is why it is rolling out an industry leading program, putting the wellbeing of cows at the center of it all. Bringing this to life, Horizon is working with each farm to identify additional ways to do what's best for their cows, such as providing calf-jackets to keep calves warm, shade covers to keep cows cool and brushes to keep them comfortable. This enables farmers to achieve more efficient production of milks and lengthens the lives of the cows, ultimately reducing the number of cows needed over the long-term. Horizon is also working with farmers on optimizing diets and manure management to further reduce emissions.
동물 강화 : 동물복지 프로그램의 일환으로 Horizon Organic은 평생 소의 복지와 건강을 우선시한다. 이 브랜드는 지속적인 개선에 자부심을 가지고 있으며, 이것이 바로 소의 웰빙을 중심에 두고 업계를 선도하는 프로그램을 시작하는 이유이다. 이를 실현하기 위해 Horizon은 각 농장과 협력하여 송아지를 따뜻하게 유지하기 위한 송아지 재킷, 젖소를 시원하게 유지하기위한 그늘 덮개, 편안하게 유지하기 위한 브러시 등 소에게 가장 좋은 일을 할 수 있는 추가 방법을 파악하고 있다. 이를 통해 농부들은 더 효율적인 우유 생산을 달성하고 젖소의 수명을 연장하여 궁극적으로는 장기적으로 필요한 젖소의 수를 줄일 수 있다. Horizon은 또한 배출을 더 줄이기 위해 식이 및 분뇨 관리를 최적화하기 위해 농부들과 협력하고 있다.
Improving Processing and Distribution: Currently, 100% of the electricity used at Horizon Organic owned processing plants is derived from wind power through the purchase of renewable energy certificates or through purchase-power agreements. Horizon has also pledged to accelerate transition to low-carbon and sustainable fuel technologies by supporting the BSR™ Sustainable Fuel Buyers principles to help lower emissions from processing plants to retailers.
Evolving Packaging: All Horizon Organic half-gallon cartons are currently widely recyclable, and the brand is aiming to make 100% of packaging recyclable, reusable, or compostable by 2025.
진화하는 포장 : 모든 Horizon Organic 1/2갤런 상자는 현재 널리 재활용 가능하며 브랜드는 2025년까지 포장재를 100% 재활용, 재사용 또는 퇴비화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.
"Horizon Organic pioneered organic dairy 30 years ago and continues to raise the bar by committing to being carbon positive by 2025," said Regan Ebert, President, Premium Dairy at Danone North America. "We know consumers are looking for more than a product today and we're proud that Horizon Organic is farming for our future."
Horizon Organic is aiming to certify its Growing Years whole milk half gallon product carbon neutral through the Carbon Trust by the end of 2021. To learn more about Horizon Organic's carbon positive by 2025 commitment, please visit https://horizon.com/carbon-positive.
Horizon Organic is part of Danone North America, one of the world's largest certified B Corps™. Horizon Organic's commitment to becoming carbon positive is a meaningful step in support of Danone's global goal to become net-zero by 2050 – across the entire global company and its family of brands.
Horizon Organic은 세계 최대 인증 B Corps™ 중 하나인 Danone North America의 일부이다. 탄소 포지티브화에 대한 Horizon Organic의 약속은 전체 글로벌 기업과 브랜드 제품군에 걸쳐 2050년까지 Net-zero가 되겠다는 Danone의 글로벌 목표를 지원하는 의미있는 단계이다.
About Horizon Organic®
A pioneer in the organic industry, Horizon Organic Milk is the brand of organic milk recommended by more pediatricians than any other brand. Horizon Organic has been producing great-tasting organic milk since 1991. From the start, Horizon has remained committed to protecting a healthy planet and hasn't stopped working toward raising the bar as the leading organic milk producer. In 2017, Horizon Organic became a brand of Danone North America and is now part of one of the largest Certified B Corporation® in the world. Today, Horizon works with more than 600 family farmers across the U.S. For more information on Horizon's full portfolio of organic dairy products, visit Horizon.com.
유기농 산업의 선구자인 Horizon Organic Milk는 다른 어떤 브랜드보다 더 많은 소아과 의사들이 추천하는 유기농 우유 브랜드이다. Horizon Organic은 1991년부터 맛있는 유기농 우유를 생산해 왔다. Horizon은 처음부터 건강한 지구를 보호하기 위해 노력해 왔으며 선도적인 유기농 우유 생산 업체로서의 기준을 높이기 위한 노력을 멈추지 않았다. 2017년 Horizon Organic은 Danone North America의 브랜드가 되었으며 현재 세계에서 가장 큰 Certified B Corporation® 중 하나이다.
About Danone North America
Danone North America is a purpose-driven company and an industry leader in the food and beverage category. As a Certified B Corporation®, Danone North America is committed to the creation of both economic and social value, while nurturing natural ecosystems through sustainable agriculture. Our strong portfolio of brands includes: Activia®, DanActive®, Danimals®, Dannon®, evian®, Happy Family® Organics, Honest to Goodness™, Horizon® Organic, International Delight®, Light + Fit®, Oikos®, Silk®, So Delicious® Dairy Free, STōK™, Two Good®, Vega®, Wallaby® Organic and YoCrunch®. With more than 6,000 employees and 14 production locations across the U.S. and Canada, Danone North America's mission is to bring health through food to as many people as possible.
Danone North America은 목적 지향적인 회사이자 식음료 부문의 업계 리더이다. Certified B Corporation®으로서 Danone North America는 지속 가능한 농업을 통해 자연 생태계를 육성하는 동시에 경제적 및 사회적 가치 창출에 전념하고 있다. 미국과 캐나다 전역에 6,000명 이상의 직원과 14개의 생산 위치를 보유한 Danone North America의 사명은 가능한 한 많은 사람들에게 음식을 통해 건강을 제공하는 것이다.
For more information, visit www.danonenorthamerica.com. For more information on Danone North America's B Corp™ status, visit: https://bcorporation.net/directory/danone-north-america.
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