
Numerator Launches Reopening Shopping Behavior Index

50% More Households Shopping Online Each Week vs Pre-pandemic Levels


Numerator, a data and tech company serving the market research space, has launched a Reopening Shopping Behavior Index to provide visibility into consumer buying behavior shifts across both pandemic (2020) and pre-pandemic (2019) periods.


시장 조사를 제공하는 데이터 및 기술 회사 Numerator가 소비자 구매 행동 변화에 대한 가시성을 제공했다.



The new dashboard covers sales, trips per household, spend per trip, and total household shopping for fast moving consumer goods indexed against both 2020 and 2019 data for 16 retail channels. The initial index reports data through 3/7/21 (with Early Read data through 3/14/21) and will be updated on a weekly basis.


새로운 대시 보드에는 16개 소매 채널에 대한 2020년 및 2019년 데이터에 대해 색인된 빠르게 움직이는 소비재에 대한 판매, 가구당 여행, 여행 당 지출 및 총 가구 쇼핑이 포함된다. 




Numerator Launches Reopening Shopping Behavior Index (이미지: Numerator)


Initial findings include:



Omnichannel Sales:

  • Online sales continue to boom with 2021 year-to-date sales roughly 1.7x above 2020 levels and 2x above 2019 levels, even as consumers return to in-store shopping.
  • Channels that surged when consumers consolidated shopping during the pandemic (e.g. Club, Food) continue to see elevated sales vs. prior years as consumers sustain levels of heightened at-home consumption.
  • Gas & Convenience channel sales, hit hard during the pandemic, are starting to rebound, indexing above year-ago levels for the first time in 2021 (+27% vs 2020) likely due to increased travel and activity as reopening efforts increase.
온라인 판매는 소비자가 매장 내 쇼핑으로 돌아오더라도 2021년 기준 매출이 2020년 수준보다 약 1.7배, 2019년 수준보다 2배 높으며 계속해서 호황을 누리고 있다.

대유행 기간 동안 소비자가 쇼핑을 통합했을 때 급증한 채널(예 : Club, Food)은 소비자가 집에서 소비하는 수준을 유지하면서 전년 대비 매출이 계속 증가하고 있다.

대유행 기간 동안 큰 타격을 입었던 Gas & Convenience 채널 판매가 반등하기 시작했으며, 재개 노력이 증가함에 따라 여행 및 활동증가로 인해 2021년(2020년 대비 + 27% 증가)에 처음으로 전년 수준 이상으로 인덱싱되었다.



Trips / Orders Per Household:

  • Channels that rely on physical storefronts (e.g. Food, Dollar, Drug) are still seeing fewer trips per household, but are showing a slow return to pre-pandemic levels.
  • Home Improvement (+4% vs 2020, +8% vs 2019) and Online (+20%, +35%) consistently see more trips vs. prior years as consumers spend more time at home.
실제 매장에 의존하는 채널(예 : 음식, 달러, 약품)은 여전히 ​​가구당 횟수가 적지만, 대유행 전 수준으로의 느린 복귀 속도를 보이고 있다.

주택 개선(2020년 대비 +4%, 2019년 대비 + 8%) 및 온라인(+20%, +35%)은 소비자가 집에서 더 많은 시간을 보내면서 전년 대비 더 많이 지속적으로 확인된다.



Spend Per Trip / Order Size:

  • Overall spend per trip remains elevated vs. prior years across channels (+12% vs 2020 and +13% vs 2019), mostly driven by in-store trips.
  • Consumers are still buying bigger baskets (larger orders) vs. 2020 and 2019, a dynamic that will likely soften as consumers return to pre-pandemic behaviors.
  • Online order sizes are up slightly from 2020 (+7%), but down vs 2019 (-5%), driven by more frequent, smaller online orders. 



Total Households:

  • Total households shopping remains flat (+2%) vs 2020 and 2019; however, the number of households shopping online is up more than 30% vs 2020 and up more than 50% vs 2019.
  • Many channels are seeing a greater number of households shopping in 2021 vs. prior years, including: Home Improvement (+37% vs 2020, +48% vs 2019), Pet (+19%,+14%), Liquor (+18%, +21%), and Club (+4%, +17%).


The 16 channels covered in the Reopening Shopping Behavior Index include Beauty, Bodega, Club, Dollar, Drug, Food, Gas & Convenience, Liquor, Mass, Military, Online, Pet, Electronics, Home Improvement, Office, and Quick Service Restaurants (QSR).



About Numerator


Numerator is a data and tech company bringing speed and scale to market research. Headquartered in Chicago, IL, Numerator has more than 2,000 employees worldwide. The company blends proprietary data with advanced technology to create unique insights for the market research industry that has been slow to change. The majority of Fortune 100 companies are Numerator clients.


Numerator는 시장 조사에 속도와 규모를 가져오는 데이터 및 기술 회사로, 전 세계적으로 2,000명 이상의 직원을 두고 있다. Fortune 100대 기업의 대부분은 Numerator의 고객이다.



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