
Charlotte's Web Honors the Courage of its Namesake and its Original 'Founder': Charlotte Figi, The Little Girl Who Started it All

  • Announcing Charlotte Figi Day and 'Rock The Roc' Concert on April 7


Charlotte Figi with the seven Stanley Brothers


Charlotte's Web Inc., ("Charlotte's Web" or the "Company"), the CBD pioneer and market leader, and a Certified B Corp, today announced it will honor the true spark of the CBD wellness movement, the young girl who opened up access to CBD products for everyone: Charlotte Figi. She was the first to try a low-THC/high CBD extract tincture created by Company founders the Stanley Brothers; the same tincture formulation that is the brand's 'Original Formula' today.


Charlotte's now legendary response in seizure reduction and improved quality of life, after years of suffering due to an illness called Dravet's Syndrome, catalyzed the cannabis immigrant movement to Colorado and 15,000 names were soon on a wait list for access to the same wellness product.


Dravet's Syndrome이라는 질병으로 수년간 고통을 겪은 후 발작 감소 및 삶의 질 향상에 대한 Charlotte의 전설적인 반응은 콜로라도로의 대마초 이민자 이동을 촉진했다.



In gratitude to Charlotte Figi and her family, on April 7 Charlotte's Web is the Presenting Sponsor for the benefit "Rock The RoC" concert and fundraiser for the nonprofit Realm of Caring. Underscoring Charlotte Figi's contributions, Governor Polis has officially named April 7 "Charlotte Figi Day" in Colorado in perpetuity.


Charlotte Figi의 공헌을 강조하는 Polis 주지사는 공식적으로 콜로라도에서 4월 7일을 "Charlotte Figi Day" 영구히 지정했다.



"Charlotte Figi is our company's North Star, guiding us to work vigilantly every day to improve access to CBD wellness products for everyone," said Deanie Eisner, CEO and President of Charlotte's Web Inc. "We send love and gratitude to the entire Figi family."


Charlotte's Web Inc의 CEO겸 사장인 Deanie Eisner "Charlotte Figi는 우리 회사의 스타이며, 모든 사람을 위해 CBD 웰빙 제품에 대한 액세스를 개선하기 위해 매일 경계심없이 일하도록 안내합니다. 우리는 Figi 가족 전체에 사랑과 감사를 보냅니다."라고 말했다.



The world lost a true hero last year when Charlotte Figi passed on April 7, 2020.  As Charlotte was a lover of music, a concert seemed a fitting tribute and a positive way to honor her and her family's contribution to the CBD wellness movement and now industry.


작년 2020년 4월 7일 Charlotte Figi가 세상을 떠났을 때 세계는 진정한 영웅을 잃었다. 샬롯은 음악 애호가였기 때문에 콘서트는 CBD 웰빙 운동과 현재 산업에 대한 그녀와 그녀 가족의 공헌을 기리기 위한 긍정적인 방법으로 보였다.





  • WHEN:  April 7, 2021 at 8:00 PM EST – "Charlotte Figi Day" in Colorado
  • HEADLINERS: The Avett Brothers, Jason Mraz, and Michael Franti
  • ARTISTS: 2020 Grammy-nominated Ruthie Foster, Wesley Schultz of The Lumineers, Glen Phillips, Graham Nash, The War and Treat, and Johnnyswim
  • SPECIAL GUESTS: Colorado Governor Jared Polis and CNN's Sanja Gupta
  • HOW: Will stream on Nugs.tv on April 7 at 8 pm EST and on the Charlotte Web website.


"We are so appreciative of the continued support that Charlotte's Web has given to Realm of Caring, said Heather Jackson, Co-founder and Board President of RoC. "They have been shoulder to shoulder with us since the beginning, improving lives, and I cannot think of a better partner for us to celebrate the big light of Charlotte Figi and the movement she inspired." 


Advocates for access to the healing powers of botanicals and to plant-based wellness products may support global change by donating to the Rock The RoC kickstarter campaign. Contributions support RoC's mission is to serve consumers and medical professionals through education, science and a supportive community.


식물의 치유력과 식물 기반 웰빙 제품에 대한 접근을 옹호하는 사람들은 Rock The RoC 킥 스타터 캠페인에 기부함으로써 글로벌 변화를 지원할 수 있다. 기부금 지원 RoC의 임무는 교육, 과학 및 지원 커뮤니티를 통해 소비자와 의료 전문가에게 서비스를 제공하는 것이다.



"Charlotte showed us that everyone deserves quality of life, that Nature provides profound solutions, and that a caring community is a powerful force for good, said Jared Stanley, co-founder of Charlotte's Web and Chief Cultivation Officer. "April 7th will forever mark our commitment to Charlotte and the RoC community in celebration of the spirit that inspired science, changed perceptions, and sparked a global wellness movement."


Charlotte's Web is taking this moment as a company to pause, breathe and remember all of the fighters, including Charlotte, who helped to found the company and establish its mission. During its inaugural "Founder's Week" (March 31  April 6, 2021) the Company will remember its roots each day and profile one Stanley brother through video vignettes, social media and on the Company's website.



About Charlotte's Web Holdings, Inc.


Founded in 2013 by the pioneering Stanley Brothers, Charlotte's Web's mission is to unleash the healing powers of botanicals through compassion and science, benefitting the planet and all who live upon it.  Charlotte's Web Holdings, Inc., a Certified B Corporation headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, is the world's most trusted hemp extract.


The Company's CW Labs division, focused on the science of hemp CBD, is located 0n the University at Buffalo, New York campus, as part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system of universities. The Charlotte's Web family of brands includes Charlotte's Web™, CBD Medic™, CBD Clinic™, and Harmony Hemp.


The Company's premium quality wellness products start with proprietary hemp genetics that are 100-percent American farm grown under certified organic practices and manufactured into whole-plant hemp extracts containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring phytocannabinoids including CBD, CBC, CBG, terpenes, flavonoids and other beneficial hemp compounds.  Charlotte's Web product categories include  CBD oil tinctures, CBD gummies, CBD capsules, CBD topical creams and lotions, as well as CBD pet products for dogs.


Charlotte's Web is the number one selling CBD brand in the U.S. and is distributed through more than 22,000 retail locations, select distributors and online through the Company's website at www.CharlottesWeb.com. Charlotte's Web is a science-driven and a socially and environmentally conscious company. It is committed to using business as a force for good and a catalyst for innovation.


The Company weighs sound business decisions with consideration for how its efforts impact its employees, customers, the environment, and underserved communities. Charlotte's Web donates a portion of its pre-tax earnings to numerous charitable organizations in support of the greater good.



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