SPINS, a leading wellness-focused data, analytics and technology provider in the U.S., today announced a new strategic partnership with the Independent & Neighborhood Pet Retail Association (IndiePet) to become their official data provider. Launched in late 2020, the IndiePet Association is the only organization solely focused on strengthening the approximately 8,000 independent and neighborhood pet retail locations serving pets and pet parents across North America.
For two decades, SPINS has watched the pet industry grow steadily, evolving from a simple but sizeable industry into a complex, booming one. During this time, American pet owners have incrementally increased their year-over-year spend, resulting in 450% growth. Each year, pet parents are spending $49 billion on pet care, which includes food, treats, and supplies.

"We are excited to partner with the IndiePet Association because we are both missions aligned behind increasing the presence and accessibility of natural and better-for-you products that help pets (and their human families) live their healthiest and best lives across North America," said Dawn Valandingham, Head of Retail for SPINS and dog mom. "For years, neighborhood pet retailers have been the critical link between cutting-edge pet products and pet parents and our partnership provides neighborhood pet stores a new variety of data applications to build on their independent spirit and deliver on their community commitments."
In late 2020, SPINS introduced the industry's newest, most comprehensive neighborhood pet channel and is committed to continuing to lay the foundation for the next generation of growth for independent pet retailers by providing dynamic data, actionable insights, unmatched product attributions, and digital activation solutions. This partnership will allow IndiePet members the ability to scale their businesses by:
- Differentiating Their Store – discover the newest product innovations and stand out from big-box and online retail.
- Identifying Shopper Trends – to gain your fair share of pet innovation and stay relevant to your shopper using SPINS unique pet-specific product attributions.
- Benchmarking Their Performance – understand how their store is performing compared to other independent pet retailers.
"Partnering with SPINS and unlocking access to their data and trends will be a gamechanger for our members and the independent and neighborhood pet retailers across the country," said Al Puntillo, President of the IndiePet Association. "The influx of new pet owners in 2020 has only increased the urgent need for our members to have timely access to the tools that will allow them to drive their businesses forward while keeping their shelves stocked with the innovative, high quality products that our customers have come to expect from us. IndiePet's partnership with SPINS will give our members consistent, accurate information that will make us all better at what we do."
SPINS LLC is a wellness-focused data company and advocate for the Natural Products Industry. Over the past two decades, SPINS' investments have led to a common language used across the industry as well as laid the foundation for the next generation of innovation, while providing dynamic data, actionable insights, and digital activation solutions that drive growth for our clients & partners and contribute to a healthier and more vibrant America.
About IndiePet Association
In the summer of 2016, a small group of independent pet retailers met in a conference room at SuperZoo to talk about the impact of mass online retailers on their businesses, to share information and to explore avenues for collaboration. The conversations continued at SuperZoo in 2017, 2018 and 2019, and each year, the number of retailers grew and the breadth of their conversations expanded. By 2019, they began to see the value in creating a permanent organization to strengthen the indie pet ecosystem. That year, they formed a steering committee to explore the creation of such an organization. At Global Pet Expo 2020, members of the steering committee met and formally established the Independent & Neighborhood Pet Retail Association (IndiePet).
2016년 여름, 소규모 독립 반려동물 소매업체 그룹이 SuperZoo의 회의실에서 만나 대규모 온라인 소매업체가 비즈니스에 미치는 영향에 대해 이야기하고 정보를 공유하며 협업을 위한 길을 모색했다.
2017년, 2018년, 2019년에 SuperZoo에서 대화가 계속되었으며, 매년 소매업체 수가 증가하고 대화의 폭이 넓어졌다.
2019년까지 그들은 인디 반려동물 생태계를 강화하기 위해 영구적인 조직을 만드는 것의 가치를 깨닫기 시작했다.
그해에 그들은 그러한 조직의 창설을 탐구하기 위해 운영위원회를 구성했다. Global Pet Expo 2020에서 운영위원회 위원들은 Independent & Neighborhood Pet Retail Association (IndiePet)을 공식적으로 설립했다.
- SPINS 웹사이트 : www.spins.com/
- IndiePet Association 웹사이트 : indiepet.org/
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