
ASPCA® Opens Community Veterinary Center in Brooklyn to Improve Access to Veterinary Care for Underserved Pet Owners

The growing network of ASPCA Community Veterinary Centers will have a meaningful, direct impact on thousands of New York City pets each year (ASPCA 커뮤니티 수의학 센터의 성장하는 네트워크는 매년 수천 마리의 뉴욕시 반려동물에게 의미있고 직접적인 영향을 미칠 것이다.)


The ASPCA Community Veterinary Center aims to create better access to affordable veterinary services for underserved pet owners and improve the health and welfare of dogs and cats in Brooklyn


The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) today announced the grand opening of the second ASPCA Community Veterinary Center in New York City, located in East New York, Brooklyn. The ASPCA Community Veterinary Center, supported by the Alex and Elisabeth Lewyt Charitable Trust, aims to create better access to affordable veterinary services for underserved pet owners and improve the health and welfare of dogs and cats in Brooklyn. This is the second of three Community Veterinary Centers the ASPCA is building across New York City in communities with limited existing resources for veterinary care.


4월 5일, ASPCA® (미국동물학대 방지협회®)는 뉴욕 동부에 위치한 두 번째 ASPCA 커뮤니티 수의학 센터를 뉴욕시에 그랜드 오픈한다고 발표했다. 이것은 ASPCA가 뉴욕시 전역에 건설하고 있는 3개의 커뮤니티 수의학 센터  두 번째이다. 



"Providing accessible and affordable veterinary services for pets whose owners face financial challenges sustains the health and safety of those animals and helps keeps families together," said Matt Bershadker, ASPCA president and CEO. "This Community Veterinary Center in Brooklyn will provide those vital resources to residents and local pets who need it more than ever during this unprecedented public health and economic crisis. Following in the footsteps of our Community Veterinary Center in the Bronx and stationary and mobile ASPCA clinics throughout the city, the Brooklyn Community Veterinary Center is another symbol of our deep and longstanding commitment to the welfare of New York City pets and people."


"재정적 어려움에 직면한 반려인의 반려동물에게 접근 가능하고 저렴한 수의 서비스를 제공하면 해당 동물의 건강과 안전을 유지하고 가족을 함께 유지하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 브룩클린에 있는 이 커뮤니티 수의학 센터는 이 전례없는 공중 보건 및 경제위기 동안 그 어느 때보다 필요로 하는 주민들과 지역 반려동물에게 중요한 자원을 제공할 것입니다."



The ASPCA Community Veterinary Center will offer partially and fully subsidized basic and preventive care to dogs and cats, including vaccinations, treatment for infections and other minor issues, in addition to spay/neuter surgeries. The Center, made possible by a leadership gift from the Alex and Elisabeth Lewyt Charitable Trust, with additional donations from PetSmart Charities® and other dedicated supporters, will have a meaningful impact on thousands of Brooklyn area pets and their owners each year.


ASPCA Community Veterinary Center는 중성화 수술 외에도 예방 접종, 감염 치료 및 기타 사소한 문제를 포함하여 개와 고양이에게 부분적 및 전체적으로 보조금을 받는 기본 및 예방 치료를 제공할 것이다.



The ASPCA Community Veterinary Center will also provide high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter surgeries and vaccinations to homeless dogs and cats being cared for by animal rescue organizations, including Animal Care Centers of New York City, expanding the ASPCA's services to the animal rescue community.


ASPCA Community Veterinary Center는 또한 뉴욕시 동물 보호 센터를 포함하여 동물 구조기관이 돌보는 노숙 개와 고양이에게 고품질의 대량 중성화 수술 및 예방 접종을 제공하여 ASPCA의 서비스를 동물에게 확대할 것이다.



The first ASPCA Community Veterinary facility, generously supported by donor Barbara Dauphin-Duthuit, opened in the South Bronx in March 2020 before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. In its first year of operation, the Center has provided care to over 11,500 cats and dogs and served as a community resource throughout the pandemic, operating as a free pet food distribution center and offering services to meet the most urgent pet care needs of South Bronx residents.


기부자 Barbara Dauphin-Duthuit가 아낌없이 지원하는 최초의 ASPCA Community Veterinary 시설이 뉴욕시에서 팬데믹이 시작되기 전 2020년 3월 South Bronx 문을 열었다. 운영 첫해에 센터는 11,500마리 이상의 고양이와 개를 돌보고 전염병 기간 동안 지역사회 자원으로 봉사했으며 무료 반려동물 사료 유통 센터로 운영되고 사우스 브롱스의 가장 긴급한 반려동물 돌봄 요구를 충족하기 위한 서비스를 제공했다.



The third Community Veterinary Center will open in Queens in 2022. The ASPCA strives to share learnings from its Community Veterinary Centers with the animal welfare community and veterinary professionals across the country, helping to make veterinary care more affordable and accessible nationwide.


세 번째 Community Veterinary Center는 2022년에 Queens에 문을 열 예정이다. ASPCA는 전국의 동물복지 커뮤니티 및 수의학 전문가와 커뮤니티 수의학 센터에서 얻은 교훈을 공유하여 전국적으로 수의학 치료를 보다 저렴하고 쉽게 이용할 수 있도록 돕고 있다.



In addition to its Community Veterinary Centers, the ASPCA currently operates mobile veterinary care clinics in East New York and the South Bronx and provides services to the animal rescue community through its spay/neuter clinic in Glendale, Queens. The ASPCA also operates a fleet of mobile spay/neuter clinics that provides low-cost, high quality spay/neuter surgery to pet owners in all five boroughs. In addition, the ASPCA Animal Hospital offers advanced care services for pets of low-income households. The ASPCA has launched programs and partnerships in New York City, Los Angeles and Miami that make veterinary care more accessible and affordable and continues to develop initiatives to serve the more than 21 million pets living in poverty with their owners nationwide.


ASPCA는 또한 5개 자치구의 반려인에게 저렴한 비용으로 고품질의 중성화 수술을 제공하는 이동식 중성화 클리닉을 운영하며, ASPCA 동물병원은 저소득 가정의 반려동물 을위한 고급 관리 서비스를 제공한다. ASPCA는 뉴욕시, 로스 앤젤레스  마이애미에서 프로그램과 파트너십을 시작했다. 수의학 진료를 보다 쉽게 ​​접근할 수 있고 저렴하게 만들고 전국적으로 빈곤한 2,100만 마리 이상의 반려동물에게 서비스를 제공하기 위한 이니셔티브를 계속 개발하고 있다.



The ASPCA Community Veterinary Center in Brooklyn is located at 464 New Lots Avenue in East New York and will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Services are provided by appointment only and exclusively for Brooklyn residents whose household income is less than $50,000 per year or who qualify for public assistance.


Photos: click here!

roll: https://aspca.box.com/s/32kpwrj4nvezdpr61m85j0eiau1dzkba



About the ASPCA®


Founded in 1866, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is the first animal welfare organization in North America and serves as the nation's leading voice for animals. More than two million supporters strong, the ASPCA's mission is to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, the ASPCA is a national leader in the areas of anti-cruelty, community outreach and animal health services. For more information, please visit www.ASPCA.org, and be sure to follow the ASPCA on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.



관련 글

ASPCA, 바이든 행정부에 '농장동물의 초고속 도축 중단' 촉구

ASPCA와 Wings of Rescue, 겨울 폭풍으로 피해를 입은 텍사스 동물보호소의 유기동물 美 북동부로 운송

LA 지역 부동산 기업 Luxury Real Estate Advisors, 노숙자들의 반려동물을 돕기 위해 25,000달러 기부

의정부시 부용로174 | 031-853-6048 | 경기 아 52073
2019년 1월 10일 | yahopet@naver.com