

편집자 주

이 기사는 미국애견협회(AKC)의 미국에서 가장 인기 있는 견종 순위를 다루고 있습니다. 프렌치 불독은 2년 연속 가장 인기 있는 견종입니다. 이 기사는 지난 10년 동안 다양한 품종의 인기 상승에 대해 논의합니다. 중요한 점은 프렌치 불독은 장난기 많고 적응력이 뛰어나며 온화한 성격을 가지고 있다는 것입니다. 반려견을 입양하기 전에 자신에게 맞는 견종을 찾고 책임감 있는 브리더로부터 건강한 개를 얻기 위해 조사하는 것이 중요합니다.



French Bulldog is America's most popular pup for the second year in a row


The French Bulldog reigns supreme! The American Kennel Club (AKC®), a not-for-profit organization, the world's largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, announced this morning that the playful and adaptable French Bulldog is America's most popular breed for the second consecutive year, according to AKC registration statistics.


Since overtaking the loveable Labrador Retriever as the most popular breed, the French Bulldog's popularity has continued to surge. The breed is playful, adaptable and has an even temperament. Frenchies are very popular among city dwellers, as they're also portable and get along with almost anyone.


"The French Bulldog's surge in popularity shows no signs of slowing down," said AKC Executive Secretary Gina DiNardo. "Their long list of fabulous traits makes them wonderful companions for a variety of people, but that doesn't mean they're for everyone. It's extremely important to do your research to not only find the right breed for your lifestyle, but to ensure that you're getting a well-bred dog from a responsible breeder."


Making a comeback is the Dachshund, working its way up the top 10 (#9 in 2022 to #6 in 2023). Other breeds making moves in 2023 include the Papillon (#51 in 2022 to #45 in 2023), Great Pyrenees (#69 in 2022 to #64 in 2023), Basenji (#91 in 2022 to #81 in 2023) and Finnish Lapphund (#167 in 2022 to #135 in 2023).


Making strides over the past decade are the Cane Corso (#51 in 2013 and #16 in 2023), the Belgian Malinois (#61 in 2013 and #33 in 2023), the Giant Schnauzer (#84 in 2013 and #56 in 2023) and the Russell Terrier (#103 in 2023 and #66 in 2023).


Enjoy dogs on Instagram? Here's where some of social media's favorites fall on the list: Pembroke Welsh Corgi (#11), Yorkshire Terrier (#13), Siberian Husky (#24) and Pug (#36).


See below for AKC's top 10 most popular breeds in 2023, along with the 2022 comparison:

2023 Most Popular Dogs in the U.S. 2022 Most Popular Dogs in the U.S.
1. French Bulldog 1. French Bulldog
2. Labrador Retriever 2. Labrador Retriever
3. Golden Retriever 3. Golden Retriever
4. German Shepherd Dog 4. German Shepherd Dog
5. Poodle 5. Poodle
6. Dachshund 6. Bulldog
7. Bulldog 7. Rottweiler
8. Beagle 8. Beagle
9. Rottweiler 9. Dachshund
10. German Shorthaired Pointer 10. German Shorthaired Pointer


View photos of the most popular breeds HERE.




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프렌치 불독, 게으른 귀염둥이

라온제나 프렌치불독 김은비 브리더, Since 2017

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