
DNA Database Powering Wisdom Panel™ Tests Surpasses 2.5 Million Dogs

  • World’s leader in pet genetics celebrates another industry milestone in conjunction with National DNA Day


Wisdom Panel™ (이미지: 홈페이지)


Wisdom Health Genetics, the world leader in pet genetics and maker of the WISDOM PANEL™ dog DNA tests, has announced an industry milestone in conjunction with National DNA Day: To date, more than 2.5 million dogs worldwide have been DNA tested with the Wisdom Panel™ range of products—more than any other dog DNA service provider.


반려동물 유전학 분야의 세계적 리더이자 개 DNA 검사의 제조업체인 Wisdom Health Genetics는 National DNA Day와 함께 업계 이정표를 발표했다. 전 세계 250만 마리의 개가 Wisdom Panel™ 제품군으로 DNA 검사를 받았으며 이는 다른 어떤 개 DNA 서비스 제공업체보다 더 많다.



Across the United States and Western Europe, pet parents, veterinarians, and breeders alike have chosen Wisdom Panel™ tests more than two million times to uncover their dogs’ unique ancestry, traits, and potential health risks. Analyzing the extensive DNA database behind Wisdom Panel™ tests reveals the following insights about the millions of dogs tested:


미국과 서유럽 전역에서 반려인, 수의사, 브리더 모두 Wisdom Panel™ 테스트를 200만번 이상 선택하여 개의 고유한 조상, 특성 및 잠재적인 건강 위험을 밝혀냈다. Wisdom Panel™ 테스트 뒤에 있는 방대한 DNA 데이터베이스를 분석하면 수백만 마리의 개에 대해 다음과 같은 통찰력을 얻을 수 있다.


  • Top ten breeds (both purebred and mixed breed dogs): American Staffordshire Terrier (12.84%), Labrador Retriever (5.37%), German Shepherd Dog (4.52%), Chihuahua (4.16%), Golden Retriever (2.77%), Miniature Poodle (2.74%), Siberian Husky (2.72%), Boxer (2.50%), Shih Tzu (2.08%), Chow Chow (2.07%)
  • How many mixes? Across the entire Wisdom Panel™ DNA database, there are 2,088,000 mixed-breed samples—that means 84% of dogs tested have been mixed breed and 16% have been purebred.
  • Top ten most common dog names across more than two million dogs: #1 Luna (28,934), #2 Bella (27,420), #3 Charlie (19,453), #4 Lucy (19,374), #5 Max (17,687), #6 Daisy (17,349), #7 Bailey (16,152), #8 Buddy (15,003), #9 Cooper (14,630), #10 Sadie (13,445)
  • Percent health conditions identified by DNA testing: On average, 15% of dogs tested with the Wisdom Panel™ range of products show at least one genetic mutation associated with a health condition.


“As the world’s most comprehensive at-home genetic testing service for pets, Wisdom Panel™ products are the top choice for veterinarians and millions of pet parents worldwide,” said Audrey Yoo, General Manager at Wisdom Health Genetics, a segment of Kinship Partners, Inc. “We are proud to provide actionable science that can help pet parents care smarter and love longer.”


In addition to delivering insights about each pet tested, the ever-growing database behind the Wisdom Panel™ tests fuels ongoing research and development that improves the lives of dogs and humans.


테스트 한 각 반려동물에 대한 통찰력을 제공하는 것 외에도 Wisdom Panel™ 테스트 뒤에 있는 지속적으로 성장하는 데이터베이스는 개와 인간의 삶을 개선하는 지속적인 연구 개발을 촉진한다.



“National DNA Day is the perfect opportunity to highlight the impact that a deeper understanding of our pet’s DNA can make in our lives,” said Rebecca Chodroff Foran, Ph.D., R&D Director at Wisdom Health Genetics. “Powered by DNA, our science helps pet parents plan better for the health and well-being of their pet and, importantly, deepens their bond.”


“National DNA Day는 반려동물의 DNA에 대한 깊은 이해가 우리 삶에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 강조할 수 있는 완벽한 기회입니다. DNA에 의해 구동되는 우리의 과학은 반려동물 부모가 반려동물의 건강과 웰빙을 위해 더 나은 계획을 세우는 데 도움이 되며, 무엇보다도 유대감이 깊어집니다."



To celebrate National DNA Day and how a pet’s DNA makes them unique, Wisdom Panel™ tests are on sale at www.wisdompanel.com through April 25, 2021.



About Wisdom Health Genetics


The mission of the Wisdom Health business, a division of Kinship Partners, Inc, is to strengthen the bond between pets and their people through world-leading insights powered by DNA. Wisdom Panel™ dog DNA tests—backed by WISDOM HEALTH™ scientific research—can help pet parents plan better, care smarter, and love longer. For more than a decade, Wisdom Health™ scientific research has contributed to state-of-the-art genetic tests for companion animals, revolutionizing personalized pet care. By unlocking the secrets of their dog or cat's DNA, pet parents and veterinarians can work together to tailor wellness programs that fit the one-of-a-kind needs of their pets. More than 7,000 veterinarians worldwide recommend and offer Wisdom Panel™ products. For more information, visit www.wisdompanel.com, and follow the Wisdom Panel™ brand on Facebook and Instagram.


10년 이상 Wisdom Health™ 과학 연구는 반려동물을 위한 최첨단 유전자 검사에 기여하여 개인화된 반려동물 관리에 혁명을 일으켰다. 반려동물의 부모와 수의사는 개나 고양이의 DNA의 비밀을 밝혀 냄으로써 반려동물의 특별한 필요에 맞는 웰빙 프로그램을 맞춤화 할 수 있다. 전 세계적으로 7,000명 이상의 수의사가 Wisdom Panel™ 제품을 추천하고 제공한다. 



About Kinship Partners, Inc


Kinship Partners, Inc (이미지: 홈페이지)


Kinship is here to help everyone pet parent like a pro. Why? Because our pets make us better humans, and we owe them the best possible care. As allies to pet parents learning on the job, we use our data, products, and services to help people be the best pet parents they can be. We unite changemakers in pet care to break down barriers, open new doors, share insights, and advance our collective knowledge. By reimagining the pet parenting experience and upping people’s confidence, we’re helping the world find better ways to care.


직장에서 배우는 반려동물 부모의 동맹자로서 우리는 데이터, 제품 및 서비스를 사용하여 사람들이 최고의 반려동물 부모가 될 수 있도록 돕는다. 우리는 장벽을 허물고, 새로운 문을 열고, 통찰력을 공유하고, 집단 지식을 발전시키기 위해 반려동물 관리 분야에서 변화를 주도하는 사람들을 통합한다. 반려동물 육아 경험을 재구상하고 사람들의 자신감을 높여줌으로써 우리는 세상이 더 나은 보살핌 방법을 찾도록 돕고있다.



Our coalition includes our world-leading Wisdom Panel™ genetic health screening and DNA testing for dogs, the award-winning WHISTLE™ GPS dog tracker and health monitor, Pet Insight Project, our ground-breaking science stream that uses AI to turn billions of data points into actionable insights, and partnerships like our Leap Venture Studio accelerator that supports innovators and start-ups, to bring new solutions to pet parents. Kinship is a division of Mars Petcare. Learn more at www.kinship.co.


우리 연합에는 Wisdom Panel™의 유전자 검사 및 개를 위한 DNA 테스트, 수상 경력에 빛나는 WHISTLE™ GPS 개 추적기 및 건강 모니터, Pet Insight Project, AI를 사용하여 수십억 개의 데이터를 변환하는 획기적인 과학 스트림이 포함된다. 실행 가능한 통찰력과 혁신가와 신생 기업을 지원하는 Leap Venture Studio 액셀러레이터와 같은 파트너십을 통해 반려동물 부모에게 새로운 솔루션을 제공한다.



About Mars Petcare


Part of Mars, Incorporated—a family-owned business with more than a century of history-making diverse products and offering services for people and the pets people love—the 85,000 Associates across 50+ countries in Mars Petcare are dedicated to one purpose: A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS. With 85 years of experience, our portfolio of almost 50 brands serves the health and nutrition needs of the world’s pets—including brands PEDIGREE®, WHISKAS®, ROYAL CANIN®, NUTRO™, GREENIES™, SHEBA®, CESAR®, IAMS™, and EUKANUBA™, as well as the Waltham Petcare Science Institute, which has advanced research in the nutrition and health of pets for over 50 years. Mars Petcare is also a leading veterinary health provider through an international network of over 2,000 pet hospitals and diagnostic services including BANFIELD™, BLUEPEARL™, VCA™, Linnaeus, AniCura, and Antech. We’re also active in innovation and technology for pets, with Wisdom Panel™ genetic health screening and DNA testing for dogs, the WHISTLE™ GPS dog tracker, LEAP VENTURE STUDIO accelerator, and COMPANION FUND programs that drive innovation and disruption in the pet care industry. As a family business guided by our principles, we are privileged with the flexibility to fight for what we believe in—and we choose to fight for our purpose: A BETTER WORLD FOR PETS.



관련 글

도그코리아, 'DNA 실명제' 관련 중국 특허 획득

마즈 펫케어, 제조시설 확장을 위해 아칸소에 1억4,500만 달러 투자

반려견 브리딩 및 인공수정 세미나 2017 [정이루오 수의사]

의정부시 부용로174 | 031-853-6048 | 경기 아 52073
2019년 1월 10일 | yahopet@naver.com