
MINISO Mexico Launches Limited Edition Xico Crossover Collection

  • This is the first locally initiated IP partnership granted by MINISO headquarters


MINISO Mexico launches limited edition Xico crossover collection


Spanning over 80 countries with more than 4,514 stores in seven years, MINISO, a lifestyle product retailer, has taken another key step in going global. In Mexico, the brand has released a special limited-edition crossover collection with Xico, an ancient character inspired by the ancestral breed of Xoloitzcuintle dogs that represents Mexico around the world. The partnership, for the first time, has been granted by MINISO headquarters to a regional market for developing its local IP for local markets, which marks the company's increasing focus on localization in the process of globalization.


Inspired by Mexica Culture, Xico is an IP created by the celebrated Mexican designer Cristina Pineda. "I am very proud to be part of a company that helps ideas come to life and encourages projects like this," said MINISO Mexico Marketing Manager Mirna Oropeza. "Collaborating with an iconic Mexican designer was a fantastic experience, and it was heart-warming to do something specific for our country together with my fellow colleagues in MINISO headquarters. We will continue working together to come up with fun and meaningful collection ideas, for the Mexican market and others."


Mexica Culture에서 영감을 받은 Xico는 유명한 멕시코 디자이너 Cristina Pineda가 만든 IP이다. 



The whole journey of collaboration took 18 months, from the beginning of discussions to the collection's completion. During this time, the pandemic temporarily delayed the project, while a film on Xico was released on Netflix in 2020, which drew more attention to this IP. After the partnership was inked, the MINISO Mexico team identified the most popular products in the local market, and collaborated with the designer to select the designs from the Xico series, which represents Mexican culture and legends. The Roots and Fighter series were finally selected because they embody happiness and magic in Mexican traditional culture, and hold even greater meaning given the difficult times currently faced by people everywhere. As such, "find your way" is one of the messages that Xico delivers.


토론 시작부터 컬렉션 완성까지 전체 협업 여정은 18개월이 걸렸다. 이 기간 동안 팬데믹으로 인해 프로젝트가 일시적으로 지연되고 2020년 넷플릭스에서 Xico 대한 영화가 개봉 되어 이 IP에 더 많은 관심을 끌었다. 파트너십이 체결된 후 MINISO Mexico팀은 현지 시장에서 가장 인기있는 제품을 식별하고 디자이너와 협력하여 멕시코 문화와 전설을 대표하는 Xico 시리즈에서 디자인을 선택했다. Roots and Fighter 시리즈는 멕시코 전통문화에 행복과 마법을 담아내고, 현재 모든 사람들이 직면한 어려운 시기를 감안할 때 더 큰 의미를 지닌다는 점에서 마침내 선정되었다. 따라서 "당신의 길을 찾으십시오"는 Xico가 제공하는 메시지 중 하나이다.



There are currently 18 SKUs in the MINISO x Xico collection, which went on sale earlier this month and has been received eagerly by fans. The collection is currently available in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. If customers in other regions would like to have the Xico collection for sale in their market, MINISO Mexico is receptive to expanding their sales coverage to spread a deeper understanding and appreciation of Mexican culture.


이달 초 발매된 MINISO x Xico 컬렉션에는 현재 18개의 SKU가 있으며 팬들의 호평을 받고 있다. 컬렉션은 현재 멕시코, 콜롬비아, 페루에서 사용할 수 있다. 



MINISO has collaborated with different brands for crossover collections since its inception, among which the co-branded products of Marvel, Sanrio, We Bare Bears, Adventure Time, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse and more are loved by fans and consumers worldwide. Looking forward, with respect to local cultures of different areas, MINISO will continue to bring more products of happiness and within easy reach to consumers around the world.


MINISO는 처음부터 크로스 오버 컬렉션을 위해 다양한 브랜드와 협업해 왔으며, 그중 Marvel, Sanrio, We Bare Bears, Adventure Time, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse 등의 공동 브랜드 제품은 전 세계 팬들과 소비자에게 사랑받고 있다. 앞으로도 MINISO는 다양한 지역의 지역 문화와 관련하여 더 많은 행복 제품을 전 세계 소비자에게 쉽게 도달할 수 있도록 계속해서 제공할 것이다.



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