
Support Oregon Humane Society by Joining OnPoint Community Credit Union Today

OHC(Oregon Humane Society)는 동물이 보호소에 머무를 수 있는 기간에 제한을 두지 않는다. OHS는 돌보는 반려동물이 치료를 받아야하는 경우 OHS 동물 병원은 주인과 동일한 수준의 치료를 반려동물에게 제공한다. OHS에는 또한 정서적 외상을 겪고 전문적인 치료가 필요한 동물을 다루는 훈련 및 행동 전문가가 있다.


OnPoint의 '친구 추천 캠페인'은 지난 3년 동안 5개 조직에서 총 183,700달러를 모금했다. OnPoint의 새로운 캠페인은 2021년 3월 1일 월요일에 시작되어 4월 30일에 종료된다. 친구, 가족 또는 직장 동료를 초대하여 직접 입금으로 개인 또는 비즈니스 당좌 계좌를 개설하면 나와 가입자가 각각 50달러를 받게된다. 또한 친구가 2021년 4월 30일까지 가입하면 OnPoint에서 Oregon Humane Society에 50달러를 기부한다.


OnPoint와 그 회원들의 지원은 자연 재해 및 기타 위기가 발생할 때 전국의 더 많은 보호소 동물에게 더 많은 생명을 구하도록 하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

OnPoint employees volunteering at the Oregon Human Society.


As the Oregon Humane Society (OHS) works to save lives and continue to help animals and pet owners in need, OnPoint Community Credit Union announced today the launch of its Refer a Friend campaign benefitting the local non-profit animal welfare organization. OnPoint's new Refer a Friend campaign began on Monday, March 1, 2021, and concludes on April 30, 2021. The campaign is OnPoint's sixth Refer a Friend effort, which donates $50 to local non-profits for every friend, family or business associate who joins OnPoint within a specified period. Referring and new members also both receive $50 from OnPoint.


"Oregon Humane Society's mission of creating a more humane society is especially meaningful now," said Rob Stuart, President and Chief Executive Officer, OnPoint Community Credit Union. "Through all the challenges of the pandemic and devastating wildfires, OHS has served animals and pet owners in extraordinary ways. OnPoint is proud to continue working alongside OHS to create a society where all animals are treated with compassion, kindness and respect."


As the largest animal welfare organization in the Northwest, more animals are adopted from OHS than from any other single-facility shelter on the West Coast. OHS puts no time limits on how long animals can remain at the shelter. A pet stays available for adoption as long as needed to find a loving home. If a pet in the care of OHS needs medical attention, the OHS veterinary hospital provides the pet with the same level of care an owner would. OHS also has training and behavior experts who work with animals who have suffered emotional trauma and need specialized care.


OHS has had a busy year as it transformed its operations at the onset of the pandemic to safely meet the needs of shelter animals and the public. Its new virtual adoption process allows staff to work one-on-one with potential adopters to ensure the right fit while keeping everyone safe. Although the new approach is more time and labor-intensive, it's also been very successful, with more than 7,000 pets finding loving homes in 2020. Click here to learn more about OHS's experience through the pandemic.


"With many people working from home and practicing physical distancing, interest in adoptions has been very high," said Sarah Yusavitz, Corporate Relations Officer, Oregon Humane Society. "Pets have provided a sense of comfort and calm as we've dealt with the stress of the pandemic."


OHS has also responded to the needs of the community in a variety of ways during the past year. During the wildfires in September, OHS deployed responders to deliver supplies and set up kennels at evacuation sites. OHS also provided emergency boarding to evacuees and took in stray cats from the fire zone in Clackamas County. In response to the economic hardship brought on by COVID-19, OHS has hosted free pet-food banks and delivered supplies to animal shelters and food pantries around the state. OHS's Second Chance program continued to be a lifeline for shelters around the country that face overcrowding. In addition, pets have been transferred to OHS from local animal services agencies and shelters as far away as Texas and Hawaii.


"The support of OnPoint and its members will help us save more lives by making us more agile and able to say 'yes' to more shelter animals across the nation when natural disasters and other crises occur," said Yusavitz. "We can't thank the OnPoint community enough, and we look forward to seeing the results of Refer a Friend this Spring."

For OnPoint members who are interested in supporting OHS through the Refer a Friend campaign, click here. To learn more about OHS's lifesaving mission and the many other ways you can be more humane,



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