PetWellClinic Signs Another Orangetheory Franchisee for 25 Franchise Units

  • Walk-In Veterinary Clinic to Continue Expansion in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area


PetWellClinic has caught the attention of the Orangetheory franchise system, signing on yet another Orangetheory franchise owner to develop 25 walk-in veterinary clinics in the DC Metro area.


PetWellClinic은 Orangetheory 프랜차이즈 시스템의 관심을 끌었고 또 다른 Orangetheory 프랜차이즈 소유자와 계약하여 DC Metro 지역에 25개의 워크-인 동물병원을 개발했다. 



Dave Ballow and Liz Overmann will lead the development and operations across Washington DC, as well as the adjacent areas of Maryland and Northern Virginia.


The pair met over six years ago when Overmann became a member at Ballow's first Orangetheory location in Maryland. Impressed with the team culture, she immediately knew she wanted to be a part of it. In 2015, she joined the Orangetheory team and is now the Regional General Manager of their 14 Maryland locations.


"It has been a pleasure to learn and grow with Dave and team over the years, and to develop the company from its second location to 14 locations in Maryland with more to come," said Overmann. "In 2019, our region was recognized for our excellent operation by receiving the honors of Top Emerging Market in the Orangetheory network. This is due to our tactful approach to our development schedule and our incredible growth that comes from our commitment to our people - both members and team members alike."


Dr. Sam Meisler, Founder and CEO of PetWellClinic, believes he has the right team in place for success, explaining, "Liz and Dave have done this before and their experience will be paramount to replicating their previous successes with PetWellClinic in the DMV area. What I'm most excited about is that they share our vision and values, and they are experts at building teams where these values are shared by all."


Due to his immense success as a franchise developer, including being the previously-mentioned recipient of Orangetheory's Top Emerging Market award, Ballow is approached often by franchisors looking to add credible and proven franchise owners to their system. However, something about PetWellClinic was different.


"All entrepreneurial endeavors start with a concept and a willingness on the part of the entrepreneur to take the risk," said Ballow. "This may seem daunting to many but it's really the easiest part on the journey to building a successful brand. In our position we get an opportunity to evaluate many concepts, but Dr. Meisler and his team at PetWellClinic caught our attention immediately. PetWellClinic is redefining how consumers experience medical care for their pets and have been doing so for over 10 years."


Ballow는 "모든 기업가적 노력은 기업가가 위험을 감수하려는 개념과 의지에서 시작됩니다. 이것은 많은 사람들에게 부담스러워 보일 수 있지만 성공적인 브랜드를 구축하는 여정에서 정말 가장 쉬운 부분입니다. 우리의 입장에서 우리는 많은 개념을 평가할 기회를 얻었지만 PetWellClinic의 Dr. Meisler와 그의 팀은 즉시 우리의 관심을 끌었습니다. PetWellClinic은 소비자가 반려동물을 위한 의료 서비스를 경험하는 방식을 재정의하고 10년 이상 그렇게 해왔습니다."라고 말했다.


When Ballow brought the PetWellClinic opportunity to Overmann to get her feedback, he not only got her opinion, but he also wound up with a partner.


"Dave has always been a mentor of my growth," said Overmann. "We align in our belief that scalability comes from finding and developing a great team with a clear vision of purpose. We look forward to the challenge we face in bringing our experience to another industry. For me, PetWellClinic presents the unique opportunity to bring excellent on-demand veterinary care to pet owners across the DMV. As a busy professional, parent, and 'mom' to two dogs and a horse, I know that delivering high-quality veterinary care on-demand is going to be a game changer for myself and so many others in the DMV area."


Overmann은 "저에게 PetWellClinic은 우수한 제품을 제공할 수있는 특별한 기회를 제공합니다. DMV 전역의 반려인에게 주문형 수의학 케어를 제공합니다."라고 말한다.



As the team begins its search for real estate, they are also on the lookout for what they believe will be the most pertinent success factor to transfer from Orangetheory to PetWellClinic: passionate team members.


"Although the industry is different, we feel that many of the challenges in building a brand and scaling a company are the same," Ballow continued. "Our time with Orangetheory has prepared us to be well equipped to build brand trust and recognition in a new market, and grow a team who is passionate about the mission, lives in our values, and cares for our clients. This begins with finding a veterinarian who shares our vision and values. Our ideal candidate has a passion for growth and development, problem-solving, and an entrepreneurial spirit. In addition to veterinarians, we are looking for fantastic team members who are passionate for animals and want to learn and grow, with or without experience in the veterinary world."


PetWellClinic is known for immersing itself in its local community, often as the only walk-in option for top-quality veterinary care and at more affordable prices. Ballow and Overmann care deeply about the local communities their businesses serve, and are excited to cultivate relationships with local animal shelters, boarding facilities, and full-service animal hospitals, in addition to the individual pet owners they'll serve in the DC, Maryland, Virginia region.


PetWellClinic은 지역 사회에 몰입하는 것으로 유명하며, 종종 최고 품질의 수의학 치료를 위한 유일한 방문 옵션으로 더 저렴한 가격으로 제공된다. 





PetWellClinic is a walk-in veterinary clinic, providing excellent preventative, wellness, and sick care for dogs and cats on an on-demand basis. There is no need for an appointment because PetWellClinic's technology, design, and operational systems provide customers with a modern-day experience in an antiquated industry.


walk-in 수의학 클리닉으로, 주문형으로 개와 고양이에게 탁월한 예방, 웰빙 및 병가를 제공한다. PetWellClinic의 기술, 디자인 및 운영 시스템은 현대적인 경험을 고객에게 제공하기 때문에 예약할 필요가 없다.



PetWellClinic recently began franchising after the success of its company-owned operations in Knoxville, Tennessee, and already has 71 units in development since August of 2020.


PetWellClinic은 최근 테네시주 녹스빌에서 회사 소유 사업이 성공한 후 프랜차이즈를 시작했으며 2020년 8월부터 이미 71개 유닛을 개발 중이다.



PetWellClinic has partnered with Oakscale, to lead franchise development efforts for the brand. For more information on Oakscale, please visit




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